Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Job Search: Act One!

So I should probably be studying for finals right now, but instead I'm looking for a job. I think this sudden desire to be employed stems from my visit to the Career Development Office earlier in the semester, which stemmed from my utter disenchantment with the current job market these days--you know, doctor, lawyer.... used car salesman. Please. Why can't I do something more tapered to my interests, such as a ukulele playing sociological film critic who specializes in Nazi propaganda, or a professional Scrabble player? It's always on one of these days where I say to myself, "I should seriously just become an academic," then remember that would require writing more than just my current thesis. Sigh.

At least my education and job experience has opened up a few job options. My current plan is to find some cool job that will keep me busy for a couple of years (I thought about applying to the Humane Society until one of my friends mentioned "euthanasia") and then go on to do something extraordinary, like working in an office. (Hmm. Now that I read that over, it didn't have the kind of effect I wanted. Ooops.)

Like the estimated 66% or so of Vassar grads that pursue graduate education, I plan on being one of them. Of course, this would mainly be for the purpose of stalling my need to find a real job--not that I don't have an interest in graduate study, but anything that would help me to avoid finding a career is more than welcome to become a part of my life. But until that point in time, I need to find something to keep me busy until I can figure out what I should go back to school to pursue.

I have a good number of friends who graduated Vassar and decided to pursue graduate study, as well as a few who are trying to get into schools right now. (What can I say, my friends are impressive!) I have a bunch of friends who are in law school, a couple in med. school, a bunch in graduate school (pursuing both Master's and Doctoral degrees), and one who is a rock star. (Actually, that last one was a bit of a stretch, but only a bit.) Of course, discussing my friends' achievements makes me feel a little bit like a loser, but I'll just keep telling myself that I haven't found my passion yet. Unfortunately, I'm starting to get the inkling that--like my parents--my passion will turn out to be some sort of self-started business requiring lots of steel. It runs in the family.

So far, I've applied to work at a few colleges (it's kind of scary that I could go from studying at a college to working at one) and some other non-profits, particularly the "Save The Wild Salmon" (or something along those lines) organization. I'll keep you posted on what happens, but until then I'll let you view the picture I took of my blueberry pie that I baked from scratch in my TA! I'll put it up ASAP. (It's about time I learned how to use the picture function on this contraption....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you go girl!