Monday, February 4, 2008

Yay Giants!

So.... my brother goes to West Point. (Isn't the picture cute?) It's true, which usually catches everyone off guard. I know my room looks like a war zone and his is spotless, and while I'm up at 3am he's been in bed for 4 hours. But he's pretty cool, and he likes to come to Vassar (the number of women here pretty much makes up for the lack of them at West Point, if you thought he was just coming to visit his favorite sister). So that's pretty much what happened over the weekend.

I also had a study party Saturday night-you know, with music, snacks, drinks (well, tea), and people dressed-to-impress. However, the study party kind of turned into more of a social event so it was abruptly canceled about halfway through and I retreated to my room in order to concentrate. Maybe by the end of the semester I'll be able to throw at least one "study party" that is successful.

That's about it. I'm almost done with my thesis, which is due next Monday. And did I mention I got a free massage and manicure at a bar during the Super Bowl? I swear it was just a ploy to get women to be there during the Super Bowl, but it definitely lured me and four of my friends out for the night.

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